Thursday, April 2, 2009

G'day mates from the land down unda! (Warning, this post is actually about New Zealand even though I am in Australia right now)


First, for all of you following, I want to apologize for being a terrible blogger. Truth is, yes I haven't had time for it, but also, the few times I've tried to update this thing I've had issues with it and nothing came through.

So none, the less, now you get the first legit post since I crossed the pacific. So, let me fill you in on what I've done/seen.

New Zeland:
First off, flying in we were on Air New Zealand and one of the stewardesses looked like Elizabeth Hurley. Yea, it was an awesome flight. We also had out own tv's and like 100 movies to see, i saw slumdog millionaire first, not bad at all, especially with the free beer :D

In NZ I drank L&P and Tui like it was going out of style. I took a bus called the magic bus (no realy drugs involved) around the north island and saw Waitomo glow worm caves, went to Rotorua for some thermal wonderland shit, Taupo where our new buddies went sky diving, and I pussed out and instead did some cooking with a new swedish buddy, and then up to Mt. Maunganui where we met up with a new crew of 3 other guys, all awesome dudes, and hung out on our way back up to Auckland where we did a sushi buffet for $5USD equivalent. Needl;ess to say, the quality wasnt spot on, and I became close to porcelain once again. Oh, and first day in Auckalnd, we went to see a rugby match, a south african team vs. a Kiwi team. We sat next to a very very loud and obnoxious south african guy, who turned out to be really cool. we started talking to him about all sorts of things, not long after he started handing us beer, shortly after that he started showing us scars (he had a really really bad one all the way down his next, he explained to us that johannesburg really is THAT dangerous). after the scars he made us honorary members of his family. i think we were the only whites in his family for that day. none the less, we got more beer, had a good time and then some people started complaining about the south african. I dont think a fight was gonna break out but seeing as the game was ending there was no reason to stick around. overall, damn good experience. turns out the rugby world cup final in 2011 will be played in that exact same stadium.

Heres abnother story worth telling, at least imo. Last day in Auckland, I woke up earlier than usual for no reason, all cos my body clock. I was pissed cos I couldnt go back to sleep and really there was nothing left to do in Auckland but catch our flight at noon to Melbourne, Australia. But w/e I was up and figured I'd start the day. SO, I went to the bathroom to take my piss and brush my teeth. Now, when I was brushing I was lookin myself in the mirror, thinking "wtf adam, there is nothing to do, why am i up so early?" then, divine intervention. A shower stopped, the showers were directly behind me and it was a full wall mirror, so you could see everything when some exits. There was a pile of jeans on a bench and I assumed some dude would come out, perhaps someone to say hi to and possibly eat breakfast with. but no, they were girls jeans as I soon learned. A girl walked out of the shower and of course, I checked her out, top down. She had a towel wrapped around her head to dry her hair, i guess something all women do. but as I soon learned, like all backpackers, we only travel with one towel. amen. full frontal nudity in the morning in auckland, she had no shame, and no reason to have any. it made NZ that much cooler.

Anyways, yet again I am out of intenet time. Thats New Zealand in a nutshell though. Ill go into what I've been doing in Australia in the next few pots, and hopefullly catch everyone up with my trip.


Monday, March 30, 2009


Yo foos,

if any of you are actually following this like you said you would, you now realize i neglect it more than my illegitimate child (dna re-tests pending btw, i deny that child). so, there is some things you must know tho, i tried updating this a few times, and i either got signed off the computer, or the blog didnt work, and i dont exactyly have enough time to be retyping shit, which is why you guyshave your first post like 3-4 weeks since i left.

ok ok ok. sop i wrote way more than this and the last post combined, but all my shit gets deleted, maybe i should actually pay for internet and stop getting kicked out?

i gotta grab a bus in 15 mins so i cant write much, but i am heading north today on the east coast of australia up to kroombit. ill be in cairns by april 4th where ill do some diving and then head over to singapore on april 7th and then thailand april 8th. ill try to log in and write some stories or at least mention some highlights so you guys know what ive been doing.

hope all is well with all of you wherever yáll may be.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Whaddup yo's.

The jury is in, I am a very horrible and neglectful blogger. good thing i dont have kids to take care of.

so i got 2 mins left on my internet imma make this quick.

what ive done:

Auckland, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm cave, New Zealand

Taupo, New Zealand

Rotorua, New Zealand

Mt. Maunganui, New Zealand

Melbourne, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Byron Bay, Australia

whats next:

going up the rest of the coast of australia to cairns.

flyign to singapore

flying into phuket thauiland for passover seder at chabad house

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

busy busy

sorry yo's, ive been too busy to update this or respond to any emails really. sorry bout that, ill try to reconnect with everyone when i get a minute, but right now, i dont. im in aussie right now and its righteous, ill elaborate laters


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coast to Coast, and it hasn't even started

Yooooooooooo kids,

So this one will be short, cos I need to wake up early tomorrow morning to catch my flight to LA.

I just returned from the trip to Seattle, and the drive that followed across the states to Pittsburgh. We went through Western Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois (Chicago!!), Indiana, Ohio, and of course Pennsylvania. With the exception of Chicago and Mt Rushmore, we didnt make many stops and there was a whole lot of nothing on I-90.

Highlights of the trip include...
Very hot very tall women in Seattle.
Good microbrews in Seattle.
Rednecksville USA in Wyoming... it wasnt that bad, we didnt get lynched.
Mt rushmore is totally righteous, too bad its in the middle of nowhere.
Couchsurfed at Odin's in Chicago, which was awesome.
Odins roommate, Andy, was awesome and extremely nice to us. Showed us round chicago and the mexican hood.
Chicago in general is an awesome city, the pizza is overrated but still awesome.

and the best part, I was at the Art Institue in Chicago and this dude who looked pretty gay and in his mid 30's said this to me, word for word, out of the blue, no bs,

"I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything, but I think you are as interestingly beautiful as the paintings themselves"
One awesome compliment. If I swung that way, it wouldve done it for me.

Well that was the jist of it, more stories with more detail when you guys see me again, especially all the dirty ones.

Tomorrow is LA, gonna hang with some family and friends, and then Thursday were off to NZ. IF any of you guys want some post cards, facebook your addresses to me. I'll try to send em out, but fyi, my track record for sending out post cards while abroad is pretty bad.

Peace out for now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gidday, G'day, ยินดีต้อนรับ, 歡迎光臨, 환영합니다, ようこそ, ברוך הבא, Werrcome,

Hi from Pittsburgh everybody! Welcome to the new blog. Finally, it begins! Well, it officially begins tomorrow. For those of you wonder what "it" is, well, it is my big trip, my trip to the east... the far east. So, in the interests of keeping to the well known maxim "when in rome, do as the romans" im going to do as in asia, and keep this short.

Tomorrow I leave for Seattle where I will meet up with brotha Dan to pack up his jazz and return home to Pittsburgh (aka Six-burgh...), via a cross country drive. It really isn't the big trip, its like 5min on the treadmill to get the blood pumpin. then we can use that warm up to work up to a real good pump. this feeling, the pump, is as satisfying as cumming, so as you see i am cumming all the time, on the road, in the car, while checking in at the hotel... i am cumming everywhere... (name that distorted movie quote!)

Then the real real journey begins, we'll head out to LA, say hi to some family and friends, and then catch a flight the first week of March on Air New Zealand to Auckland, NZ. During this voyage we're planning on hittin up New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, China, Korea, Japan, and Israel on this trip. We may even hit up a few extra places while en route. All this is going to take roughly 5 months and I'm doing the whole journey with my brother.

Well, I know what you're thinking right now "Don't go Adam, we will miss you!" Well, I will miss you too, and I'll keep you up to date with my travels via this blog, so please do subscribe and follow me on this wonderful trip. And remember no matter how far apart we get, wherever I go... there I am.